OWL Magazine Korea

I had previously visited Gangneung for a 1-night, 2-day trip in 2022. However, in 2023, I embarked on another trip to Gangneung. The main difference from the 2022 trip was that while the previous one was a casual trip with a close friend, the 2023 trip was with scholars from the U.S. State Department. There was also a difference in ...

For travelers embarking on overseas journeys, there’s a certain privilege bestowed upon them – the access to duty-free stores. Stepping out of our country for a while grants us this benefit. In reality, duty-free stores are easily accessible when traveling abroad. You can easily spot them at Incheon Airport, and they’re also readily available at airports overseas. “Overseas Travel: Buying ...

Embarking on an international trip is exciting, but it also requires thorough preparation. Since you’ll be leaving your home unattended for a while and venturing into unfamiliar territory, there are many things to consider. Here’s a checklist of essential items to prepare before heading out on an international journey: Embarking on an international trip is exciting, but it also requires ...

From March 2nd to March 10th, 2019, I embarked on a 7-night 9-day journey to Hong Kong and Macau. However, the flight departing on March 2nd left Incheon Airport at 7:35 PM and arrived at Hong Kong Airport at 11:30 PM. Similarly, the return flight on the 10th also departed at 12:40 AM, essentially making it a 7-night 7-day itinerary. ...

While traveling abroad, not being able to use the internet can be quite frustrating. With the advancement of smartphones, essential apps like Google Maps for navigation and access to various travel information on websites and blogs become available through internet usage. If you find it inconvenient not being able to use the internet abroad, here are three representative methods to ...

South Korea ranks second in the world for passport power. The only countries with a joint top ranking in passport power above South Korea are Singapore and Japan. Following Singapore and Japan, South Korea shares the second position with Finland and Germany. “With just a South Korean passport, you can visit most countries visa-free.” Thanks to the significant power of ...

I went on a fairly long trip to Hong Kong and Macau, spanning 7 nights and 9 days. Among them, I spent 2 nights and 3 days in Macau, and the rest of the time was in Hong Kong. Initially, I planned to focus on exploring Hong Kong and just briefly visit Macau. However, once I visited Macau, I found ...

The keyword that represents Macau is “casino.” Thanks to this, Macau has gained the reputation of being the Las Vegas of the East, known as a city of gambling. In fact, there are reports indicating that the revenue from casinos in Macau now surpasses that of Las Vegas in the United States. Because of this, there may come a day ...

It is rare to find travelers from South Korea who visit only Macau. Typically, they make a brief stop in Macau while traveling in Hong Kong. Because of this, it is not easy to exchange currency for Macau’s currency in South Korea, and even the knowledge of what currency Macau uses is not well known. “The Relationship between Hong Kong ...

As the time to conclude my Hong Kong trip approached, I returned to Hong Kong International Airport. After taking the S1 bus from Tung Chung Station and arriving at the airport, it was already evening. The departure time for my returning flight was 12:30 AM, a late-night departure. However, since my final destination was Lantau Island, I opted to spend ...

In the Cotai area of Macau, you can explore luxury hotels, resorts, and shopping malls. Many of these places operate not just as simple hotels, but also as vast integrated complexes. Among the various resorts, there is a relatively recent addition called “Studio City.” “Modeled After Gotham City from Batman” The hotels, resorts, and shopping malls in the Cotai area ...

On the first night of my trip to Macau, I planned to take a bus tour to explore the main areas of the city. Since it was my first visit to Macau, I thought it would be a good idea to comfortably tour the city and get a feel for the layout by bus. Fortunately, there was a tour option ...