OWL Magazine Korea

There are many different universities in the world. In Korea alone, there are hundreds of universities. If you look at Seoul, the capital of Korea, you can find dozens of schools. If you expand the scope to the provinces and regions, you’ll find hundreds of university campuses. At one point, I had a thought. I thought about visiting all the ...

There was a time when India travel gained attention, largely due to the influence of a personality named Hanbiya. She compiled her various travel experiences into a book, made appearances on television, and stirred up a buzz across Korea. Of course, after hearing Hanbiya’s stories and experiencing challenges while traveling solo in difficult places like India, there was a period ...

Planning something isn’t an easy task. Perhaps for many ordinary people, the thought may arise that they might live their entire lives without ever properly “planning” anything. This book appears to be written relatively lightly by a planner named Joh Joong-hee. Introducing himself as someone who wants to create something needed in the world, Joh Joong-hee was reportedly a practitioner ...

In Japan, various castles offer a glimpse into the past, with many well-preserved from the era of the feudal lords. While some have been restored, there are still many original castles to explore throughout Japan. Although it has been previously featured in Korea, a recent article on BBC News reintroduced Ōzu Castle’s “Castle Stay” in Japan. “Lodging at Ōzu Castle ...

Recent revelations, as seen through BBC News, unveil an intriguing story underway in Saudi Arabia. Plans are in motion to establish a theme park based on the globally renowned Japanese anime “Dragon Ball.” This will mark the world’s first amusement park centered around the “Dragon Ball” theme. Located in the vicinity of the capital Riyadh, specifically in “Qiddiya,” the park ...

After arriving at the hotel in Kyoto, unpacking our bags, we embarked on our journey to explore the city. The first destination on our list was “Kiyomizu-dera,” a prominent and representative attraction on the eastern side of Kyoto. During a previous visit in 2018, we had reached the vicinity of Kiyomizu-dera but were unable to explore its interior as we ...

When embarking on international travel, the initial step often involves going through “immigration inspection.” Successfully completing this process is essential to commence the journey. While in the past, travelers had to manually fill out a paper “entry declaration form” before undergoing immigration inspection, an increasing number of countries are now introducing systems that allow travelers to opt for online alternatives. ...

Until 2015, the last year of the existence of Power Bloggers, I was selected as an “Excellent Blogger in the Travel Category” for three consecutive years, naturally leading me to travel. However, prior to that, I had never traveled. It was a time when I was too busy just trying to survive. Before I first encountered this book in 2013, ...

I went on a trip to Tokyo, Japan, during the Lunar New Year holidays in 2019. Just around this time last year, I also visited Tokyo. It’s quite unusual to travel to the same country and region consecutively, but this time, I went with a friend from the UK, making it a memorable experience. “February 4 – 8, 2019: Tokyo ...

Between the hotspots of Harajuku and Shibuya in Tokyo, you can find a street known as “Cat Street.” This area has gained fame as a fashion street in Tokyo, hosting various clothing stores and editorial shops. Located geographically close to Harajuku and Shibuya, it attracts a lot of young people. Originally named “Kyushibuya-gawa Yuhodo-ro (旧渋谷川遊歩道路),” it is now commonly referred ...

For this Tokyo trip, I entered Japan through Narita Airport. Tokyo has both Haneda Airport and Narita Airport. While Haneda Airport is closer to the Tokyo city center, Narita Airport is situated on the outskirts of Tokyo. Considering the location alone, Haneda Airport seems advantageous. However, when taking into account overall ticket prices, Narita Airport also has its own merits. ...

This marks my fourth international trip, and concurrently, my second journey to Tokyo. However, heading to the airport is still somewhat unfamiliar. Therefore, I continue to create a “checklist” before going to the airport, ensuring I don’t miss anything and checking each item one by one during the departure process. “Near Incheon Airport, Parking at Unseo Station” Departing from Paju ...