OWL Magazine Korea

During a recent visit to a nearby Aladdin used bookstore, I came across a book titled “25 Regrets When Facing Death: Insights from a Hospice Specialist Who Witnessed 1,000 Deaths.” Intrigued by the title, I decided to purchase the book, especially since it was priced at only 1,000 won, making it an affordable choice. “Hospice Care for Those Facing Death” ...

Singapore has public transportation similar to what you can find in South Korea, including buses, subways, and taxis. Let’s take a closer look at Singapore’s bus system. “Singapore’s Bus System” While Singapore has an active public transportation system, for first-time visitors, it’s recommended to use the subway, known as “MRT,” rather than buses. Buses can be a bit more challenging ...

While it may not be present in our country, there is a culture called “tipping culture” that can be found in some foreign countries. Tipping culture is particularly common in the United States and some Western countries, where it involves paying a service charge to employees such as waitstaff in hotels or restaurants. “By U.S. standards, tips range from 10-20% ...