OWL Magazine Korea

“25 Regrets When Facing Death” by Shuichi Otsu

During a recent visit to a nearby Aladdin used bookstore, I came across a book titled “25 Regrets When Facing Death: Insights from a Hospice Specialist Who Witnessed 1,000 Deaths.” Intrigued by the title, I decided to purchase the book, especially since it was priced at only 1,000 won, making it an affordable choice.

“Hospice Care for Those Facing Death”

The profession of hospice care is one that most people rarely encounter in their daily lives. It can be considered a profession that is uncommonly seen around healthy individuals.

Caring for those facing the end of their lives and accompanying them through death is a challenging role, both mentally and physically. I recall a mention of the profession of hospice care in the old American drama “Heroes,” which briefly shed light on the work of hospice workers.

“Reflecting on Death, Reflecting on Life”

For ordinary individuals, witnessing scenes of “death” is something they may rarely experience. However, for those working in hospice care, accompanying individuals facing the end of their lives is a part of their daily routine. Experiencing “death” as a commonplace occurrence in life may prompt reflection on how one should live their life.

Indeed, this book shares insights from a hospice specialist who nursed over 1,000 individuals and observed their moments of passing, reflecting on “25 regrets when facing death.”

“25 Regrets When Facing Death”

The book outlines the following 25 regrets, encouraging readers to strive for a life without regrets based on these insights:

  1. Expressing gratitude to disappearing individuals more often…
  2. Pursuing what one truly desires…
  3. Being a little more humble…
  4. Showing kindness…
  5. Avoiding wrongdoing…
  6. Pursuing dreams and making efforts to achieve them…
  7. Not being swayed by emotions…
  8. Meeting desired individuals…
  9. Experiencing memorable romances…
  10. Not working excessively…
  11. Embarking on travels to desired destinations…
  12. Leaving evidence of one’s life…
  13. Seriously contemplating the meaning of life and death…
  14. Visiting one’s hometown…
  15. Tasting delicious foods…
  16. Getting married…
  17. Having children…
  18. Arranging marriages for one’s children…
  19. Planning one’s estate in advance…
  20. Considering one’s own funeral…
  21. Treasuring one’s health…
  22. Quitting smoking earlier…
  23. Expressing one’s last wishes while healthy…
  24. Seriously considering medical treatment…
  25. Learning from the teachings of religion…

The specific regrets one may have before death may vary depending on the life one has led. However, these 25 regrets, compiled by a hospice specialist who witnessed over 1,000 deaths, represent common themes.

Steve Jobs once said in a commencement speech at Stanford University, “Death is very likely the single best invention of Life.” This serves as a reminder to live each day as if it were one’s last. While it may be nearly impossible to live a life completely free of regrets, minimizing such regrets lies within our control.

Reflecting on death and contemplating the kind of life one wishes to live, even indirectly through books, can provide valuable insights.

“25 Regrets When Facing Death”

  • Author: Shuichi Otsu
  • Publication Date: September 18, 2015
  • ISBN13: 9788950961831
  • Yes24 Link: http://app.ac/xACn2s593