OWL Magazine Korea

After concluding our final dinner at Robertson Quay in Singapore, I sensed that a considerable amount of time had passed. As we needed to head to the airport for our departure, a growing sense of urgency enveloped us. There was a concern about potentially arriving late at the airport and missing our flight. Navigating the Airport Journey with Limited Time ...

The flight from Incheon Airport concluded with approximately 7 hours of travel, landing at Changi International Airport in Singapore. Despite the considerable geographical distance from South Korea, the time difference is only one hour. This is a result of Singapore adopting the time zone used during the British colonial era, similar to Hong Kong. Even after gaining independence from Britain, ...

For this trip to Singapore, I chose to fly with Singapore Airlines, the main national carrier of Singapore. Singapore Airlines is a “5-star airline” that is not easily found worldwide. Particularly, it holds the top position globally in the field of cabin crew services. This Singapore trip, supported by the Singapore Tourism Board, allowed me to travel with sponsored airfare ...

Thanks to the support of the Singapore Tourism Board, I embarked on a 3-night, 5-day trip to Singapore. It was a long-awaited overseas journey that unexpectedly came my way, bringing unexpected joy. The excitement of my first international trip mixed with the reward for years of diligently writing on my blog. Singapore seemed like a fitting choice for my first ...