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Registering Google Analytics on Google Blog

By utilizing “Google Analytics” provided by Google, you can gather visitor information and conduct behavioral analysis. When used effectively, Google Analytics is also beneficial for data analysis, which is why there are educational programs on how to use “GA.”

Using Google Analytics on Google Blog

Google Blog is a blogging service provided by Google. Since Google Analytics is also a service offered by Google, they integrate well with each other.

Registering with Google Analytics for platforms like Tistory or WordPress involves multiple steps, but registering on Google Blog is relatively simpler.

How to Register Google Analytics on Google Blog

  1. Sign Up for Google Analytics: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/
  2. Google Analytics: Add Property – Register Site
  3. Google Analytics: Confirm G-ID
  4. Google Blog: Settings > Enter Analytics G-ID

The process to register Analytics on Google Blog is straightforward. It can be divided into two main parts: one within Google Analytics and the other within Google Blog.

Adding a Property After Signing Up for Google Analytics

After accessing the Google Analytics site, proceed with “Add Property.” Provide information such as the site address and site name for adding a property. Once added, you will receive a unique “G-ID.”

Adding G-ID on Google Blog

Access Google Blog, then navigate to “Settings > Basics > Google Analytics Measurement.” Paste the “G-ID” to complete the Google Analytics registration.

Once the G-ID is added, real-time visitor tracking becomes available. As visitors accumulate over time, you can also review “cumulative information.”

Unlike Tistory or WordPress, where you need to embed tracking codes in the  section, Google Blog allows Analytics registration without updating tracking codes, which is an advantage of using Google Blog.