OWL Magazine Korea

“Large Enter Key for Stress Relief”

Typically, electronic devices are designed with practicality in mind. For instance, when it comes to keyboards, manufacturers usually create them as integrated units without separating specific parts.

However, occasionally, even in the realm of electronic products, items that appeal to emotions are released.

“A Large Enter Key for Stress Relief”

Introducing the “Large Enter Key” designed for stress relief. It’s a separate, oversized “Enter Key” taken from a regular keyboard. With this keyboard, you can do only one thing—press the enter key.

While using a computer, there are times when one may experience stress. In such cases, people might strike the enter key forcefully. Using a regular keyboard this way may risk damaging the keyboard, but this product helps alleviate such concerns.

There’s a cushion inside the enter key, so unless it’s pressed with a considerable force, the enter key won’t register well. You can purchase this product on AliExpress, and the price is approximately 2-5 dollars.

  • AliExpress “Large Enter Key”: Link