OWL Magazine Korea

These days, most electronic devices support “Bluetooth,” allowing convenient connections between devices. Bluetooth enables the easy connection of various devices such as laptops, phones, keyboards, mice, and earphones. “What about desktops that don’t offer Bluetooth connectivity?” However, older desktop computers may not have built-in Bluetooth functionality since Bluetooth wasn’t widely used in the past. But even in such cases, you ...

These days, the trend is to use wireless earphones mostly with “Bluetooth,” but I still prefer wired earphones. The performance of the wired earphones I received with my Apple product is still good, and the sound quality is better than using mediocre third-party wireless earphones. However, the drawback is that older earphones require connection via an “AUX” cable, and except ...

I’ve had rhinitis since I was a child. In my early years, I heard advice from a friend that if you drink salt water through your nose and then spit it out, it improves the condition of your nose. I tried it a few times, but it wasn’t easy because I couldn’t get the concentration of the salt water right. ...

In the Samsung Electronics building, adjacent to exits 7 and 8 of Gangnam Station in Seoul, you can find an exhibition space called “Samsung Delight.” It can be described as a kind of product museum where you can appreciate various products from Samsung Electronics. It serves as both a product museum and an experiential showroom, allowing visitors to explore a ...

The world has changed completely due to the coronavirus pandemic. Everything underwent a sudden transformation, including consumer spending patterns. It has been over three years since we started enduring the challenges brought about by COVID-19. The COVID-19 outbreak that swept through in 2019 continues to have an impact even in 2023. Now, we are slowly taking steps towards returning to ...

Daiso is a store with a concept similar to a “1 Dollar Shop” that sells items at affordable prices. It’s a great place to buy everyday consumable goods at low prices. Generally, the items sold at Daiso are known for their low prices rather than their quality, but occasionally, they release products that offer excellent value for their affordability and ...