The Japanese drama “Midnight Diner” has gained considerable popularity in South Korea as well. Set in a small restaurant near Tokyo’s Shinjuku Golden Gai, the drama revolves around a cozy eatery where Master, the owner, serves dishes to late-night patrons, with each dish weaving its own episode. “When customers arrive? Quite a few come…” At the start of every “Midnight ...
The work “Boys Over Flowers” started as a manga, then adapted into an anime, and eventually produced as a drama, becoming a globally renowned piece. It gained immense popularity in the four East Asian countries of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China, all being adapted into dramas. The original work originated from a Japanese manga, and in the Korean version ...
Yeongjin Beach in Jumunjin, Gangneung, was originally a quiet coastal village. However, it gained fame as a popular tourist destination after the drama “Goblin.” The beach, where Gong Yoo and Kim Go-eun took photos against the backdrop of the sea, became a bustling spot for people taking commemorative pictures. It gained even more popularity after being featured in the TV ...
The drama “Minamdang” aired on KBS in 2022. It was a weekday drama consisting of a total of 18 episodes. “Minamdang” is a drama based on a web novel titled “Minamdang Incident Notes,” which won an award in the KakaoPage competition. The drama follows the story of a former profiler who becomes a shaman scammer and is set against the ...
Yeonhee University is actually a. university that does not exist in South Korea. It is a university that appears in the drama “Cheer Up!” which is set against the backdrop of the Yonsei University cheerleading squad. Yonsei University and Korea University are perceived as traditional rival universities, known for their fierce cheering battles during the “Yon-Ko Jeon.” “Cheer Up!” is ...
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