OWL Magazine Korea

In the culturally diverse city-state of Singapore, renowned for its culinary scene alongside Hong Kong, one can discover a variety of cuisines. In Singapore, a dish known as “Bak Kut Teh” awaits exploration. In Chinese characters, it’s written as “肉骨茶,” literally translating to “meat bone tea.” This dish, reminiscent of Korea’s “Galbitang” or “Samgyetang,” is a representative healthy food in ...

Representing Singaporean cuisine are dishes like “Chili Crab” and “Black Pepper Crab.” As the names suggest, both dishes feature crab as the main ingredient—one covered in a spicy yet sweet sauce and the other utilizing pepper. “Crab Dishes to Try in Singapore” Chili Crab and Black Pepper Crab are particularly well-known dishes in Singapore, with the following three places being ...

Singapore, being a place where people live, offers not only local Singaporean food but also cuisines from other countries. In one of the bustling areas of Singapore, “Clarke Quay,” I discovered a shop selling Japanese ice cream, specifically “Hokkaido Ice Cream.” Considering Singapore’s typical weather, which is hot and humid due to its Southeast Asian climate, encountering an ice cream ...