OWL Magazine Korea

Sendagi: Preserving Tokyo’s Old Charm

The area known as “Yanesen” in northern Tokyo, encompassing Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi, is a name coined by combining these three neighborhoods. While located in the heart of Tokyo, this area preserves the city’s historical ambiance. When one imagines Tokyo, it often brings to mind a modern urban landscape dominated by towering buildings, but Yanesen stands somewhat apart from this scenery.

Typically, the Yanesen area, including Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi, is explored as a collective destination. In my case as well, I seamlessly moved from Yanaka Ginza to Sendagi, taking a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood.

“Capturing Tokyo’s Old Charm in Sendagi”

After traversing the cat-themed shopping street in Yanaka Ginza, I naturally found myself entering the Sendagi area. Sendagi encapsulates the appearance of Tokyo from the past, showcasing a preserved view of the city’s history. Particularly known for maintaining a semblance of a working-class district, Sendagi contrasts with the glamorous Tokyo cityscape.

Notably, Sendagi remained unscathed during World War II, contributing to the preservation of the early 20th-century culture. Consequently, the streets of Sendagi convey a sense of witnessing Tokyo not in its contemporary state but rather as if peering into the Tokyo of yesteryear. In some aspects, it feels more akin to the atmosphere of Kyoto than the bustling Tokyo we know today.

“A Notable Destination Evoking Tokyo’s Old-School Vibes”

If you have the luxury of time, exploring the alleys of Sendagi could be intriguing. The scenes here differ from the glamorous cityscape, offering a chance to experience a Tokyo with a quaint and everyday feel. However, our group, constrained by time, had to forego the opportunity to get lost in the narrow streets of Sendagi, instead diligently moving toward our next destination.

Nevertheless, discovering such areas in Tokyo that encapsulate its historical essence during this trip makes me contemplate returning to explore these preserved atmospheres on future visits. Even though our schedule didn’t allow for an in-depth exploration of Sendagi this time, the desire to revisit and immerse in the bygone charm it holds remains a possibility for future Tokyo journeys.

“Japan Tokyo, Sendagi Station”

  • Address: 3 Chome-39 Sendagi, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to 113-0022, Japan
  • Phone Number: +81 3-3822-2741
  • Tokyo Metro Website: Tokyo Metro