OWL Magazine Korea

“Kim Hyung-Jun: ‘Become Someone People Want to Work With'”

Most people who have worked in a company can probably relate to this sentiment. The difficulty in the workplace often stems not from the work itself being hard, but from the difficulty of dealing with people. Ultimately, we navigate through life, working with others, and interacting with society.

The world is a place where we coexist with many people, and the workplace is no exception; therefore, it’s natural to live and work with others. In Korea, there’s a saying about the importance of personal networks: “Acquaintance, connection, blood ties.” Living in this world, one can easily agree that having a strong personal network is crucial. Perhaps, in this regard, the United States might consider letters of recommendation essential when hiring someone, reflecting the importance of personal connections.

“Becoming someone people want to work with”

In fact, becoming someone others want to work with is crucial, not only in the workplace but in various aspects of life. Ultimately, the desire to have someone to work and live with might stem from wanting to build a family.

Given how people live and work, it’s even more important in workplaces where people are hired and paid salaries. If you want to have a smooth and successful career, it’s essential to be someone others want to work with.

“How to become someone people want to work with”

This is the core message the book aims to convey: becoming someone people want to work with. By becoming such a person, you will naturally gain recognition from your superiors and colleagues.

To become someone others want to work with, the book delivers four key messages:

  1. Survive.
  2. Grow.
  3. Succeed.
  4. Study your superiors.

There’s a saying that what lasts long is strong. In tournament-style competitions like soccer, it’s not the strongest team that survives but the one that lasts long. In this sense, “surviving” may naturally lead to “growth” and “success.”

To embody these four messages, the author suggests the importance of possessing qualities such as passion, positive thinking, a sense of humor, a sense of crisis, a serving attitude, and a learning attitude.

“Passion: the driving force behind survival, growth, and success”

When reading self-help books or biographies of successful individuals, one common trait found among them is “passion.” The content introduced in this book is no different. With passion, one can overcome setbacks and continue working steadily, eventually achieving success.

“Creativity: perseverance in the face of failure”

In the book, “creativity” is defined as “perseverance in the face of failure,” a unique definition not commonly found elsewhere but memorable for its uniqueness.

For instance, the book shares the story of the development process behind a medicine called “Salvarsan 606” and a hangover remedy called “Yeomyung 808.” The numbers attached to these products represent the number of attempts made to develop them. Yeomyung 808, for example, succeeded on the 808th attempt after 807 failures.

“The destiny pouch mentioned in the essay by the late Jang Young-hee”

In an essay by Jang Young-hee, a literary scholar and essayist, the following story is recounted:

“People have a pouch of destiny containing an equal number of black and white stones. Living life is like reaching into this pouch and pulling out a stone. If you keep pulling out the black stones of failure, eventually, the probability of success will increase.”

In conclusion, even in difficult situations, maintaining a positive attitude and persevering with a positive mindset is the best way to overcome trials and maintain an important attitude in life.

“If you want to be great, serve others”

The motto of Baejae High School, the first modern high school in Korea, is “If you want to be great, serve others.” Embracing this mindset can only lead to success.

Whether we accept failure as mere failure and give up, or use it as an opportunity to learn and as a stepping stone for advancement, it all depends on our mindset. Such a mindset can change our approach to life.

“Become Someone People Want to Work With: The Secret of Being Recognized by Superiors and Colleagues”