OWL Magazine Korea

“Nakajima Takashi: ‘Go Crazy for Studying in Your 20s'”

Self-help books that emphasize “studying,” even going as far as making it the title, are commonly found. In childhood, the importance of “studying” may not have seemed as crucial, but as one grows older and becomes an adult, the significance of “studying” becomes unmistakable.

Especially in today’s rapidly changing world, one cannot live properly without “studying.” Studying may include learning in school, but it also involves acquiring wisdom for living in the world. This encompasses everything from “interest rates, investments, AI technology, to changes in industries.”

“Nakajima Takashi, Go Crazy for Studying in Your 20s”

The book “Go Crazy for Studying in Your 20s” by Nakajima Takashi is one of the self-help books commonly seen around. One notable difference is that the author is Japanese, not Korean.

As the title suggests, the book emphasizes the importance of “studying” and “learning.” In that sense, it is not significantly different from other self-help books. The main message is to live each day to the fullest, working hard and having a mindset of learning whatever one can.

“A Book Targeted at Working Professionals”

This book specifically targets working professionals. It emphasizes the message that one should not settle in their current position after graduating from school but should continue to study and prepare for the future.

In particular, it suggests becoming a specialist in one field to the point where others cannot replace you, and then becoming a generalist in various fields. Ultimately, the author suggests becoming a “T-shaped” individual, which was once a trend. To achieve this, the author emphasizes the importance of “studying.”

“The Three Essential Skills: Eloquence, English Proficiency, IT Skills”

Especially, the author designates three essential skills in the book: “eloquence, English proficiency, and IT skills.” While all three are important, finding someone who possesses all three simultaneously is quite rare.

The author may have made efforts and can claim to have acquired “eloquence” and “English proficiency.” However, due to spending much time writing blogs and studying English, knowledge in the “IT” field has not been properly acquired yet. Despite regretting not studying in this field earlier, efforts are now being made to study IT gradually.

“Manage Ideas”

Additionally, the author recommends systematizing idea management further. Always be prepared to take notes whenever a new idea arises, and after writing down the ideas, classify them into similar categories for later use. This ensures that ideas can be utilized when needed.

“Digital Business Card for Network Management”

The author also recommends managing contacts digitally for network management. While digital business cards are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, it is quite impressive that even though the author is living in an analog society like Japan, they discuss digital transformation.

“Master Business Sense Rather than Business Studies, Economic Sense Rather than Economics”

Furthermore, the author recommends mastering practical business sense and economic sense rather than studying business or economics. It is argued that even if one majors in business administration and learns the content theoretically, it may not be as effective as actually starting a business.

The book touches on these points without hesitation. Instead of using difficult business or economic terms for thinking, one can apply numerous management terms such as financial planning, material research, material purchasing, and price setting directly on the field without needing an extensive understanding of business.

“Prepare Your Career Resume in Advance”

Finally, the book recommends preparing a career resume in advance. Updating resumes is essential for those preparing for employment.

A career resume is a type of resume that summarizes what one has done while working for a company. By organizing this information, one can send documents immediately when changing jobs and communicate smoothly during interviews about the projects they have worked on.

In conclusion, the message conveyed in the book is that studying consistently is necessary even after graduating from school and entering the workforce. Ultimately, those who continuously make efforts become better individuals than they were yesterday and can develop a “professional mindset.”

Although the author has already passed their twenties and thirties, the need for learning is still evident. This is because the world is changing rapidly. Knowledge acquired years ago may become useless quickly, so it seems necessary to continue studying to keep up with the pace of change.

“Go Crazy for Studying in Your 20s”