OWL Magazine Korea

Former Republic of Korea Air Force Academy, ‘Boramae Park’ in Seoul

In Seoul’s Dongjak-gu, Shin Daebang-dong, you can find Boramae Park. It is a large urban park that even people who haven’t visited Seoul are likely to know by name. Located in the southwest of Seoul, it is a spacious park that you can explore.

“Boramae Park, Built on the Former Site of the Republic of Korea Air Force Academy”

Boramae Park was built on the site where the Republic of Korea Air Force Academy used to be. After the Air Force Academy relocated in 1985, the site was renovated and Boramae Park opened on May 5, 1986. The park was named Boramae because it was the symbol of the Air Force Academy.

“A Large Park with a Total Area of 413,352 Square Meters”

Boramae Park boasts an enormous size, covering a total area of 413,352 square meters. Key facilities include an Air Park, a grass square, a musical fountain, and a dog playground.

“The Park was Created by Preserving and Remodeling the Air Force Units’ Buildings”

In the park, you can find preserved and remodeled buildings that were used during the time of the Republic of Korea Air Force Academy. Boramae Youth Hall used to be the Headquarters Middle Unit building, and Boramae Youth Reading Room was a church building. The triangular roofed building next to the Natural Science Pavilion was a church, and the wide track in the center was a drill ground.

As it used to be a military base, you can find sculptures and memorial statues emphasizing loyalty throughout the park. While it has been transformed into a park, you can still easily find artworks symbolizing loyalty. This gives the park a slightly different atmosphere compared to other parks. It may feel a bit more solemn, but with a spacious grass square in the center, families can come out on weekends to enjoy playtime.

Although it is no longer used as the Air Force Academy’s buildings, it is a place where the traces remain. For someone who received training here, it is a place that brings back memories.

As a tranquil urban park ideal for strolls, it is easily accessible, making it a great place to visit for a leisurely walk, especially in the southwest of Seoul.

“Boramae Park in Seoul”