OWL Magazine Korea

“And Then… the Soccer Coach Came: The Joy and Victory Story of Sarah Reinertsen, the First Female Disabled Athlete to Complete the Ironman Triathlon”

When we hear the stories of those who overcome adversity and emerge victorious in the end, it’s both heartwarming and uplifting. Watching underdogs triumph over the established norms of society is always exhilarating.

While some may feel differently, most people are moved and inspired when they witness the struggles of the underprivileged, who fight against difficult circumstances and emerge victorious.

“Born with Disabilities: Sarah Reinertsen”

The author, Sarah Reinertsen, was born with a condition where one of her legs didn’t develop properly. With no other options, she underwent surgery to amputate one of her legs and lived with a disability.

Despite initially facing challenges even in walking, let alone running, she found inspiration when she met a man named Pat Rossbach, who had also amputated a leg due to an accident but had completed several marathons. This encounter boosted her confidence and sparked her interest in sports.

As she participated in various track events, accumulating experiences and setting new records with a determination fueled by her belief in herself, she eventually became intrigued by the Ironman Triathlon. The book depicts her gradual journey of challenges and triumphs as she ventures into the world of the Ironman Triathlon.

“The Author’s Challenge in the Ironman Triathlon”

Though her first attempt ended in disappointment, she persisted and eventually completed the race in 15 hours and 5 minutes, despite the challenges posed by her disability. Her story embodies the triumph of human spirit over adversity.

After experiencing failure in her first attempt at the Ironman Triathlon, she expressed her determination to try again with the phrase “Unfinished Business,” a moment that seemed to resonate deeply within American society.

The book suggests that Sarah Reinertsen was extensively covered by numerous media outlets, with some even broadcasting her Ironman Triathlon attempt live. If I had been in the United States at that time, I would have naturally encountered related content through broadcasts.

Despite her physical limitations, her completion of the Ironman Triathlon, a grueling event known for its physical demands, is truly significant. It’s almost akin to challenging the impossible for someone facing physical disadvantages to succeed in a race that even able-bodied individuals find challenging.

Nevertheless, Sarah Reinertsen always opted for challenges with her characteristic positive mindset, never shying away from them. Instead, she meticulously planned her endeavors to ensure they didn’t end in reckless attempts. Her success serves as a reminder of the saying, “Half the battle is in the mind, the rest is in the technique,” from an ancient text.

“Half the Battle is in the Mind, the Rest is in the Technique.”

Although I haven’t lived long enough to have experienced much of life, this notion still holds true based on my experiences thus far. Ultimately, having the right mindset is half the battle.

As I reflect on the lyrics of the song “말하는 대로” (As You Speak) sung by Lee Juck and Yu Jaesuk, featured on the popular Korean variety show Infinite Challenge, it’s evident that life indeed unfolds as we speak and think.

Our words are crucial because they reflect our thoughts, and our bodies move in accordance with our thoughts.

“And Then… the Soccer Coach Came”

In truth, upon seeing the title of the book, “And Then… the Soccer Coach Came,” one might speculate that it contains content related to soccer. However, soccer is not mentioned in the book.

Throughout the book, I found myself wondering, “Why did the author choose this title?” It’s only in the latter part of the book that the secret behind the title is revealed.

Sarah Reinertsen joined a soccer club at school at a very young age. However, due to physical issues, her teacher never allowed her to participate in games. Yet, after successfully completing the Ironman Triathlon, her teacher came to a signing event to offer her contact information, and it’s here that the mystery behind the title is solved.

“Nothing Can Stop Passion.”

After reading the book, I’m left with the thought that with passion, anything is possible. Conversely, without passion, nothing can be achieved. Ultimately, if I want to accomplish something, passion is essential.

If I’m still unsure about what I truly want to do or what field I can pour my passion into, it may require some introspection to figure out where my passion lies and what I truly want to pursue.

“And Then… the Soccer Coach Came: The Joy and Victory Story of Sarah Reinertsen, the First Female Disabled Athlete to Complete the Ironman Triathlon”

  • Author: Sarah Reinertsen
  • Publication Date: April 10, 2013
  • ISBN13: 9788998241162
  • Yes24 Link: http://app.ac/mtwDu3M53