OWL Magazine Korea

“Words of Writing” by Eunyu

I came across the book “Words of Writing” by the author Eunyu during my travels to Jeju Island. The catalyst for this discovery was a bookstore called “Pulmujeol,” which I had learned about through a friend of a friend. Originally a small bookstore located in front of Sungkyunkwan University in Myeongnyun-dong, Seoul, Pulmujil had transformed. The owner, Mr. Eun Jong-bok, had rearranged his life, closed his Seoul store, opened a small bookshop in Jeju Island, and seemed to be enjoying a quieter life.

I encountered Pulmujeol during early 2022 when I was going through a period of not writing due to various circumstances. At that time, I had faced a business failure, experienced a period of distress, and eventually took a break, resigning from my job to travel to Jeju Island.

My visit to Jeju concluded with Pulmujeol being the last destination. The owner, Mr. Eun Jong-bok, warmly welcomed me, making my visit memorable. While I hadn’t engaged in extensive conversations with him—only exchanging greetings during my few visits to the store or on occasions like mutual acquaintances’ weddings and this particular trip—the warm welcome at Pulmujeol was greatly appreciated.

“During the Writing Hiatus in 2022”

My visit to Pulmujeol occurred in early 2022. Until then, I had been consistently publishing articles on my blog, writing almost every day. However, during this period, I faced business failure, fell into a state of distress, had to join another company due to the failure, and was drained by overwhelming work. Naturally, I found myself gradually letting go of writing. Eventually, feeling that I couldn’t continue that lifestyle, I resigned, took a break, and chose to travel to Jeju Island.

During this time, Pulmujeol in Jeju became the last place I visited on my journey. I decided to purchase a book from the store, thinking it would be a good way to commemorate my travels since I usually buy souvenirs during trips. This time, visiting a bookstore, I thought a book would be a fitting souvenir.

“Eunyu, Words of Writing”

Having been away from writing for a while, I felt the need to reintroduce the habit. Coincidentally, I came across the book “Words of Writing” by Eunyu. It wasn’t too thick, making it approachable, and it contained memorable quotes and thoughts about writing. I decided to purchase it, thinking it would be a book I could read gradually whenever I had some free time.

Initially, I thought it might be a self-published book, but after buying it, I discovered that it had been popular, with 17 printings up to the recent date. It’s a short yet impactful book.

“Various Words That Stimulate Writing”

True to its title, the book “Words of Writing” contains quotes about writing from various authors or well-known figures. It seems to be a book that could help those who find writing challenging and encourage them to explore writing as a hobby.

The author’s thoughts align with these themes, expressing about four main ideas:

  • Write from your own experiences.
  • Writing is about leaving something alive within yourself.
  • Consistent and sincere writing is necessary.
  • Public writing, not private, is essential.

In essence, writing is not something done for oneself; it’s meant to be shared with others. To excel at something, consistent effort is crucial, and this requires good physical and mental stamina. Writing about experiences you know well makes the writing process more accessible. Ultimately, sharing your stories with others is what writing is all about.

“I Write, Therefore, I Might Still Be Alive.”

I’ve been writing for quite a long time. I started my blog in 2008, wrote consistently, and even became a Power Blogger in 2013. Since then, I’ve continued to write, and now, I consider myself a writer with 15 years of experience.

Even after 2013, I continued to be recognized as a Power Blogger, and I even published a book. However, I still hesitate to call myself a “good writer.” I’m simply someone who enjoys writing. Although I enjoy it, I might not be the best at it.

However, the act of writing now makes me feel alive. I find joy in expressing myself through words. Whether I can write great pieces and publish a book with better content in the future remains to be seen. Regardless, I plan to keep writing steadily. In another ten years, maybe my skills will have improved compared to now, or so I hope.

“Words of Writing – For the Miracle of Becoming a Person Who Writes Despite Not Writing”

  • Author: Eunyu
  • Published: August 4, 2016
  • ISBN-13: 9791185152516
  • Yes24: Link to Yes24