OWL Magazine Korea

The 2010s were a time when the humanities received attention. Professor Michael Sandel’s lecture on “Justice” was broadcasted through EBS, and it became known that Steve Jobs, who led Apple’s innovation, had an interest in the humanities. This era sent a societal message emphasizing the importance of not only “technology” but also “humanities”. The keywords of that time were “humanities” ...

The book titled “The Book of the Rich,” written by author Lee Chae-yoon, is exactly what its title suggests: a book about what rich people read. The Chinese character “書” translates to “book,” so one could interpret it as “the writings of the rich.” This book is a compilation of the topic discussed at a breakfast seminar organized by the ...

Professor Kim Jeong-gu is a professor in the Department of Business Administration at Sungkyunkwan University. Personally, as I majored in humanities, I couldn’t attend the professor’s classes, but as I prepared for employment before graduation, I felt the need to acquire knowledge related to the business field, so I got recommendations for relevant books. Coincidentally, I received a recommendation for ...

Steve Jobs’ presentations are commonly regarded as the textbook example of a “presentation.” They are perfectly structured with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Not only does he deliver presentations seamlessly, but he also incorporates humor throughout, engaging the audience effectively. Author Kim Kyung-tae analyzes Steve Jobs’ presentations and publishes them in book form. The popularity of the first volume ...

The late Steve Jobs is widely regarded as a master of presentations. Particularly, watching his presentation of the “iPhone” for the first time feels like experiencing a presentation from another dimension. Steve Jobs was commonly known as a polymath, excelling in both humanities and technology. In the 2010s, the “humanities” trend swept through South Korea, partially fueled by talents like ...

I happened to come across a video on YouTube where Steve Jobs discusses the difference between ‘A-Players’ and ‘B, C-Players.’ Although Steve Jobs is no longer with us, he remains a figure known for introducing innovative products, establishing Apple as a leading global company, and presenting iconic products like the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook. “Steve Jobs on the Characteristics of ...