OWL Magazine Korea

In the vicinity of Gwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, you can find restaurants with a long history. “Pomodoro,” located in an alley to the west of Gwanghwamun Plaza, is also one of those longstanding establishments. The history of Pomodoro dates back to 1994. It has been in business since then, maintaining its operation for nearly 30 years. It’s a restaurant that ...

Currently, there are no 6-star hotels to be found domestically. Even the luxury hotels in Korea are rated as 5-star at most. However, among these 5-star hotels, there is one place that is considered to be close to 6-star, and that is the “Four Seasons Hotel.” You can find the Four Seasons Hotel near Gwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, and on ...

The Gwanghwamun area is known as one of Seoul’s prominent business districts, offering a plethora of dining options nearby. One such restaurant, “Chef Park Chan-il’s Gwanghwamun Pork Soup,” is located near Gwanghwamun Station, just across from the Chosun Ilbo building. “Renowned Chef Park Chan-il’s Establishment: Gwanghwamun Pork Soup” Gwanghwamun Pork Soup is a well-known establishment operated by Chef Park Chan-il, ...

The area around Gwanghwamun in Seoul is a densely populated office district and can be considered a place symbolizing the history of Seoul. From Gyeongbokgung, which symbolizes 600 years of the Joseon Dynasty, to the Six-Intersection Square formed in front of Gwanghwamun, it preserves various historical traces. “Gwanghwamun Hammering Man” In Gwanghwamun Square, you can find various public sculptures. One ...