I started using the iPhone when it was first released in South Korea. At a time when the concept of smartphones had not yet firmly established itself in Korea, Apple introduced the iPhone, creating a new category of device.
Nowadays, it’s hard to find people who don’t use smartphones, and competition among companies has led to significant advancements in performance compared to the past. As a result, smartphones are no longer considered a novelty.
However, back in 2007 when the first iPhone, the 3Gs, was released, it was a completely different atmosphere.
“My First iPhone 3Gs”
The first iPhone I purchased was the iPhone 3Gs. At that time, while it was possible to access the internet on mobile phones, it was done through services like “Nate,” and using the internet on a mobile phone was not very common. However, the introduction of the iPhone changed this situation entirely.
The iPhone allowed easy internet access through touch-screen navigation, and if you were connected to Wi-Fi, internet access was free. It was with the 3Gs that I first entered the world of smartphones.

“iPhone 5s, 6s, and iPhone X”
Naturally, as I continued to use Apple products, I progressed through the iPhone 5s, 6s, and X models. However, there didn’t seem to be any significant innovation for a while. Aside from a slightly larger screen and improved performance, there wasn’t a substantial difference from the initial experience.
“Capturing Photos Almost Like a Digital Camera with iPhone 14 Pro”
I hadn’t been particularly interested in new phones or technology for a while, but with the release of the iPhone 13 Pro and 14 Pro, I started to become intrigued.
Since I’ve been taking a lot of photos, editing them, and combining them with text for content creation for over 15 years, I always had to carry a high-end digital camera with me.
Using a high-end digital camera was relatively less burdensome compared to DSLRs or mirrorless cameras in terms of weight and size. However, taking photos directly with the phone had its own advantages.
When taking photos with a digital camera, many people in crowded places often feel uncomfortable having their picture taken, and taking out a camera, setting it up, and taking a photo can be quite cumbersome. This led to situations where, even though I had a camera with me, I didn’t use it very often.
Additionally, with a digital camera, you need to extract the SD card, connect it to a laptop, copy and move files, and then go through the process of adjusting and editing the photos using specialized software before you can use the photos. This process was somewhat tedious and time-consuming.
So, when I heard that the iPhone could shoot in RAW format, I started thinking about replacing my high-end digital camera with the iPhone. However, by then, it had already been some time since the iPhone 13 Pro was released, and there were rumors of the 14 Pro coming out, so I thought it might be better to wait for the more current model.

“Failed Pre-order of iPhone 14 Pro”
As soon as the iPhone was released, I made a pre-order through the website. However, when I first accessed the website, it redirected me to an application, where I waited for the server to open. When some time passed and it still didn’t open, I returned to the website, only to find that the server was already open. However, there was a slight delay, and when I rushed to make the payment, an error occurred. So, I tried again and finally completed the purchase, but the expected delivery time was over three weeks, so it felt like a failure.
I visited the Apple store in Myeongdong, just in case, but they didn’t have any stock, so I couldn’t make the purchase. Then, one day, an employee at the Apple Store Myeongdong suggested that if I came back the next morning, there might be some stock. With a glimmer of hope, I visited the store the next morning and was able to purchase the last iPhone 14 Pro.
“iPhone 14 Pro as a Viable Replacement for a High-end Digital Camera”
Looking at the size of the camera on the iPhone 14 Pro series, you can see that the lens is quite substantial, indicating a strong emphasis on camera performance. In particular, by utilizing the RAW file shooting mode introduced since the iPhone 13 Pro series, you can save RAW files just like with a digital camera.
When using the default camera app, you can’t manually adjust the ISO, which is a bit disappointing. However, if you use Adobe Lightroom for photo shooting, you can adjust the aperture value, shutter speed, and ISO value, allowing you to take photos with almost the same level of control as with a digital camera.
When I used to shoot with a digital camera, I would manually adjust all three values to capture the desired photo. Since I got the iPhone, I mostly use the basic camera app and shoot automatically. Despite this, most of the photos turn out quite well, so there isn’t a significant loss in image quality compared to manually adjusting and shooting.
Additionally, thanks to the ability to use RAW files for editing, the editing process is applied more cleanly compared to photos taken with the standard iPhone camera. While there may be differences compared to a DSLR like the Canon 5D, for simple blog photos, the iPhone holds its own.

“The Convenience of Pairing with iCloud”
I personally use a lot of Apple products. From the iPhone to the iPad and MacBook, I use almost all of Apple’s devices, and Apple’s iCloud, which brings them all together, is an essential tool. When I shoot photos with the iPhone, they are automatically uploaded to iCloud. You can edit photos on the iPhone itself or on an iPad or MacBook. Once the editing is done, you can export the file. Being able to do all of this through iCloud makes the workflow much more efficient, as there’s no need for multiple copies.
Especially when compared to the process of using a digital camera where you have to extract the SD card, connect the card to the computer, copy and move files, and then go through the process of editing and correcting photos, the difference is like night and day.
In any case, after purchasing the iPhone 14 Pro, many things changed. As I now mostly use my phone, which is much lighter and almost always with me, to shoot photos, the barrier for taking photos has become much lower. Thanks to this, I find myself taking photos much more often compared to the past. Additionally, the time spent on the entire process, from shooting photos to editing, has significantly decreased. This has allowed me to work more efficiently.
Looking back now, I wonder why I didn’t start working with this combination earlier. Of course, high-quality photos are always a desire, but if necessary, I can simply use a high-quality camera like the Canon 5D to take great photos. Of course, for those who don’t excel in photography or videography, a phone with such a good camera may not be necessary. However, for someone like me who takes a lot of photos, it seems like an invaluable tool.
“Apple, iPhone 14 Pro”
- Location of Purchase: Apple Store Myeongdong
- Date of Purchase: October 15, 2022
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