After taking the Torokko Train from Kyoto Saga Station to Kameoka Station, I returned from Kameoka Station to Arashiyama Station. Upon returning to Arashiyama Station, I found myself at “Torokko Arashiyama Station,” a place I had passed by during a previous Kyoto trip.
Exiting Torokko Arashiyama Station, you can find a small pond nearby. While not an extraordinary pond, it holds special memories from my 2018 trip to Kyoto. It was here that I witnessed a foreigner playing the Heng Drum.
At that time, it was my first encounter with the Heng Drum, and the mystical sounds it produced captivated me enough to pause during my journey and appreciate the music being played.
- Ogura ike : Kyoto Arashiyama Pond “Oguraike”

“Lotus Pond, Ogurayama Pond”
Truth be told, Ogurayama Pond is not an exceptionally grand pond. It is one of the common ponds you might come across during your travels. However, personally, it has become a somewhat special place due to the memories from my past trip. While I couldn’t find the musician playing the Heng Drum during this visit, the location still holds a special memory.
Instead, this time, I could see the pond adorned with blooming lotus flowers. During my previous visit, the pond was a typical one filled with water, but this time, it presented a different scene, allowing me to witness another aspect of its beauty.
It’s not a place one would deliberately seek out, but if you disembark at Torokko Arashiyama Station, you naturally pass by this spot. For someone, though, it might be a place that provides unique and special memories.
“Kyoto Arashiyama Ogurayama Pond”
- Address: 10 Sagaogurayama Tabuchiyamacho, Ukyō-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 616-8394, Japan
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