OWL Magazine Korea

Intaek Yeo “Military Psychology”

South Korea is the world’s only divided country. It is the only country on earth that is divided into two opposing ideologies, communism and capitalism. There was once a peaceful atmosphere, but in recent years, the world seems to be polarized again. In addition, the government’s policy is also taking a hard line against North Korea, and it feels like we are returning to the Cold War again.

In this situation, Korea is still a country that maintains a “conscription system”. Women are not subject to conscription, only men. Since the population is getting smaller and smaller with each passing generation, almost all Korean men have served in the military.

I finished my military career a long time ago, and I also completed my reserve training. It’s true that the military is much more open now than in the past. In the past, you weren’t even allowed to take your cell phone with you, but at some point, the military became a place where you could use your cell phone after hours. There are also more TV programs about the military than in the past, and it has become a relatively transparent “military”.

“Military Psychology: Bringing the Military and Psychology Together”

Nevertheless, the world of the “military” is probably not familiar to the average person. Of course, compared to the past, military life is much better today. Both in terms of convenience and salary. However, there are still relatively few people who want to join the military.

The book “Military Psychology” by Intaek Yeo combines the topics of “military” and “psychology”. The title suggests that the book is about the military, but in reality, the book contains very few stories about military life.

Instead, it is a book that explains the psychological theories behind the events that occur in military life and explains the “why?” of what happens.

“A book that deals with pop psychology”

These books don’t deal with deep psychological theories or content, but rather with “psychology” theories and terminology that you’ve probably come across around you. It’s more of a pop psychology book.

It’s a book that takes the subject of psychology and applies it to the unique environment of the military. It covers psychological theories and terms that most of us have come across at least once in our lives, such as the broken window effect, the bystander effect (the tragedy of Xenovis), the Pygmalion effect, the golem effect, the synchronization effect, and the halo effect.

“A good book for young men about to enlist in the military”

As the book’s introduction states, “From a private assigned to a platoon to a sergeant about to be deployed… the psychology of two years of ease if you know, and a lifetime of regret if you don’t.” This is a good book for young men who are about to enlist.

The book is organized in a “Q&A” format, asking “questions” about events that often occur in the military and answering them with appropriate answers. The questions are common enough in the military that it’s a good idea to read the book before you enlist.

Of course, the book was published in 2013, so there will be differences from today’s military life. It’s based on a military culture where cell phones weren’t allowed, so it may not be the same as it is now that cell phones are allowed.

“Military Psychology: Recognized if you know, lost if you don’t”