OWL Magazine Korea

Fort Canning Park – A Central Park in Singapore’s Heart

In Singapore, notable attractions like Clarke Quay and Orchard Road come to mind, but nestled between Clarke Quay and Orchard Road lies the expansive “Fort Canning Park.”

“A Park on the Hill – Fort Canning Park”

Located atop a hill behind Clarke Quay, Fort Canning Park is often referred to by locals as the “Central Park” due to its central location in the bustling city. Ascending to the park can be quite challenging, considering the hilly path. Climbing it on a hot day in Singapore might leave you drenched in sweat before reaching the refreshing ambiance of the park.

“Singapore’s Largest Park Alongside the Botanic Garden”

Fort Canning Park, alongside the Botanic Garden, claims the title of Singapore’s largest park. If, like me, you mistakenly explore this vast park without a plan, you might end up spending an enormous amount of time wandering.

“Traces of Diverse History in Fort Canning Park”

This park preserves traces of diverse history. In medieval times, it was ruled by Malay royalty. During World War II, it witnessed the surrender of British forces to the invading Japanese. The park, being a significant elevated area, had military importance in the past, leaving relics like the “Battle Box.”

“Formerly Known as Bukit Larangan”

Previously known as “Bukit Larangan” in Malay, meaning “Forbidden Hill,” Fort Canning Park reflects a time when it was a restricted area. Today, it serves as a space where locals gather for meals, traditional dances, or simply to relax in the shade.

“A Shrine and Raffles Terrace in the Park”

One section of the park features a shrine, where you might encounter a local Singaporean willing to share insights about it. Additionally, “Raffles Terrace” in the park showcases a well-maintained garden and a lighthouse.

“Raffles Terrace at Fort Canning Park”

In Singapore, the name “Raffles” is easily encountered in various locations. Raffles, an employee of the British East India Company in 1819, played a significant role in discovering the island of Singapore at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and contributing to its development. His full name is “Stamford Raffles.”

At Fort Canning Park, there is a dog-related area called “Raffles Terrace,” where visitors can encounter well-maintained gardens and a lighthouse.

Up to this point, we’ve taken a closer look at Fort Canning Park in Singapore, a park that can consume a considerable amount of time due to its vastness. However, the view of Singapore from elevated points within the park is quite impressive.

While spending a significant amount of time in the park, I had the opportunity to explore various areas of Fort Canning Park and truly immerse myself in the experience.

“Fort Canning Park – Singapore’s Central Park”