OWL Magazine Korea

When planning an overseas trip, one inevitable consideration is mobile phone and internet usage. While phone usage might not pose a significant concern, a lack of internet connectivity can indeed cause inconvenience during travel. Typically, there are three ways to address this concern, and detailed information can be found by clicking the link below: “Japan Pocket WiFi – Global WiFi” ...

Using a mobile phone or the internet is crucial during overseas travel. Without access, you can’t search online or communicate with others, significantly affecting the quality of your trip. Therefore, ensuring you can use your phone or access the internet is one of the essential elements to consider when traveling abroad. ‘Tokyo, Japan Travel, Pocket WiFi’ For this Tokyo trip, ...

There may be few instances where a portable WiFi router is needed, but if used wisely, it can be quite helpful. Especially if you are using a data plan of 100GB or more, it becomes even more beneficial. With a data plan of 100GB or more, you can add up to two additional devices for data sharing for free, by ...