OWL Magazine Korea

In the heart of Nara Park, at Todai-ji (Eastern Great Temple), you can discover the world’s largest bronze statue. If you move east from the Daibutsuden, the main hall housing the Great Buddha, toward Nigatsu-do and Sangatsu-do, you’ll encounter the “Todai-ji Shoro (Bell Tower)” along the way. “Todai-ji Shoro (Bell Tower)” As you exit the main hall of Todai-ji, the ...

In Nara Park, you can explore the world’s largest bronze Great Buddha, located in Todai-ji (Eastern Great Temple). While most people tend to appreciate the bronze statue at Todai-ji’s main hall and then move on, if you venture a bit east from Todai-ji, you’ll discover “Nigatsu-do (February Hall)” and “Hokkedo (Sangatsu-do) (Eastern Great Temple Lotus Sutra Hall),” also known as ...

Located within Nara Park, Todai-ji is a well-known tourist destination, especially celebrated for being a place where you can see the “world’s largest bronze Great Buddha statue.” It attracts a large number of visitors. Just south of the main gate of Todai-ji, you can find a small pond known as “Todai-ji Kagami-ike.” In Japanese, “Kagami” means “mirror,” and “ike” refers ...