Recent revelations, as seen through BBC News, unveil an intriguing story underway in Saudi Arabia. Plans are in motion to establish a theme park based on the globally renowned Japanese anime “Dragon Ball.” This will mark the world’s first amusement park centered around the “Dragon Ball” theme. Located in the vicinity of the capital Riyadh, specifically in “Qiddiya,” the park ...
In the Seongdong-gu district of Seoul, you can find a theme park named “Seoul Forest.” It was created with the concept of an urban forest, inspired by iconic parks like Central Park in New York and Hyde Park in London. With an investment of approximately 23.52 billion Korean Won on a site of about 350,000 square meters, the theme park ...
Petite France, meaning “Little France,” is a theme park designed in the concept of a French cultural village. It is located on a 117,357 square meter site north of Cheongpyeong Lake in Cheongpyeong-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, and was opened on July 28, 2008. Visitors can enjoy various cultural experiences and performances from Europe, including France. It offers a feeling of strolling through ...
The Korean Folk Village is the largest theme park in South Korea, located in Giheung-gu, Yongin-si. Despite its name suggesting a national facility, it is actually privately operated. “Experience the Atmosphere of a Joseon Dynasty Village at Yongin Folk Village” The Korean Folk Village faithfully reproduces and preserves buildings that existed during the Joseon Dynasty. Traditional tiled-roof houses, thatched houses, ...
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