OWL Magazine Korea

The word “success” is abstract and can hold various meanings for different people. Some may define it as earning a lot of money, achieving a high social position, or spending ample time with loved ones. Success is a singular word, but due to its abstract nature, individuals may harbor different concepts of success within their hearts. “We often think, ‘I ...

The “10,000-Hour Rule” is a concept commonly heard. It originated from a paper presented by Anders Ericsson, a professor at Florida State University, in 1993. This rule suggests that to become an expert in a particular field, one needs approximately 10,000 hours of training. “The 10,000-Hour Rule” Ultimately, the 10,000-Hour Rule emphasizes that while innate talent is important, “effort” is ...

Li Weiwen (李維文) is a Chinese million-selling author often referred to as the “mentor of mentors” and a successful consultant in the United States. Having graduated from Peking University, one of China’s top three prestigious universities, Li Weiwen served as the sales director of the Qingkong Group, Hong Kong’s largest enterprise. He later moved to the United States, where he ...