OWL Magazine Korea

Having transformed into a global corporation, Starbucks has become a readily accessible cafe in various locations throughout South Korea. It has become one of the most popular cafes easily found in major areas. Near Seoul National University Entrance, you can find three Starbucks locations. Right in front of Exit 5 of Seoul National University Station, you’ll find the “Seoul National ...

You can find a small alley called “Sharosugil” to the southeast of Seoul National University Entrance Station. It’s a well-known tourist spot near Seoul National University Entrance. This alley is known for its quaint and diverse restaurants and cafes, making it a popular dating course for couples. The name “Sharosugil” is a combination of “Sha,” which is a symbol of ...

To the southeast of Seoul National University Entrance, there’s a small alley called “Sharosu-gil.” It’s known for its quaint and diverse restaurants and cafes, making it a popular destination for couples on dates. The name “Sharosu-gil” is a combination of “Shar” from Seoul National University’s symbol and “Garosu-gil” (Tree-Lined Road). In the past, it was known as “Naksungdae Market,” which ...