OWL Magazine Korea

“Hanam Dwaeji” is a franchise meat restaurant commonly found throughout South Korea. It’s known for grilling the meat for customers, providing a convenient dining experience where you don’t have to grill the meat yourself. “Hanam Dwaeji – Gwanghwamun Area, Seoul” In the Gwanghwamun area, you can find numerous restaurants that office workers often visit. However, during dinner hours, while lunch ...

After exploring Tokyo’s Ebisu Garden Place, lunchtime had passed, prompting a search for nearby dining options. That’s when I came across “Kimukatsu Main Branch,” known for its unique offering of a “25-layered pork cutlet.” Checking its location, I found it conveniently situated not far from Ebisu Garden Place, prompting a leisurely walk towards my destination. “Kimukatsu in Ebisu, Home of ...

In Singil, Seoul, near the Seoul Regional Military Manpower Office, you can find a restaurant district. While there may not be a large number of restaurants, they are clustered around the intersection in front of the Navy Headquarters. Furthermore, with the relatively recent addition of the Seoul Metro Line 2 extension, the “Seoul Regional Military Manpower Office Station,” the area ...

In the Gwanghwamun area, you can find a variety of restaurants, from cost-effective ones located in the underground dining districts of buildings to quaint shops tucked away in alleys. The Gwanghwamun area is a representative office-dense district of Seoul, which means you can find restaurants throughout the area to cater to the demand of office workers. Even in the alleyways ...

To the southeast of Seoul National University Entrance, there’s a small alley called “Sharosu-gil.” It’s known for its quaint and diverse restaurants and cafes, making it a popular destination for couples on dates. The name “Sharosu-gil” is a combination of “Shar” from Seoul National University’s symbol and “Garosu-gil” (Tree-Lined Road). In the past, it was known as “Naksungdae Market,” which ...

While pork rice soup is typically known for its unclear broth, these days you can find versions with a more transparent broth in various places. Located in a small alley near Hapjeong Station in a residential area, “Okdong Sik” is a restaurant that, despite its small size, has gained popularity for its specialty – pork rice soup. “Seoul Hapjeong Pork ...