OWL Magazine Korea

In the vicinity of Gyeongbokgung, the primary royal palace of the Joseon Dynasty, and its surrounding area, various museums can be explored. Within Gyeongbokgung itself, you’ll find two museums: the National Folk Museum and the National Palace Museum of Korea. The National Palace Museum of Korea is located west of Gwanghwamun, the main gate of Gyeongbokgung, and is adjacent to ...

Around Gwanghwamun and City Hall in Seoul, you can find various palaces from the Joseon Dynasty. You can visit Gyeongbokgung, which served as the main palace of Joseon, and to the east of Gyeongbokgung, you can find Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung. To the west of Gyeongbokgung is Gyeonghuigung, and to the south, you can find Deoksugung. “Deoksugung: History Beginning with Prince ...

When wearing a hanbok and visiting our country’s palaces, you can enter without paying an admission fee. Thanks to this policy, it has become easy to spot tourists wearing hanboks inside and around the palaces. For more related information, you can check the link below: I had the opportunity to visit Gyeongbokgung Palace again after a long time. This time, ...

SamBaekJip is currently operated as a franchise restaurant. The original store is located in Jeonju, and its name originates from the fact that they only sold “three hundred bowls a day.” The founder of SamBaekJip, Grandma Lee Bongsoon, never sold more than three hundred bowls, no matter how many customers came. When three hundred bowls were sold, even if it ...

Unhyeongung Palace (Cloud-Supporting Palace) was the residence of Heungseon Daewongun, the father of King Gojong, who was the 26th king of the Joseon Dynasty. It is where King Gojong lived until he ascended to the throne at the age of 12. Currently, it is the only royal palace from the Joseon Dynasty that still maintains its original appearance. The name ...

Hyangwonjeong Pavilion is a gazebo located in the rear garden of Gyeongbokgung Palace, to the south of Geoncheonggung Palace. The name “Hyangwon” means “fragrance far and wide,” derived from a passage in the “Aeryeonseol (愛蓮說)” written by the scholar Zhu Xi (周敦頤, 1017 ~ 1073) during the Northern Song Dynasty, which states, “As fragrance spreads afar, it becomes purer (香遠益淸).” ...

Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, located within Gyeongbokgung Palace, is designated as South Korea’s Treasure No. 224. It is a pavilion located to the west of Gyeongjeon Hall in Gyeongbokgung Palace, where the king hosted banquets with his officials, received foreign envoys, and held state events such as the rain praying ceremony during droughts. The structure consists of a stone terrace in a ...

The Changing of the Guard Ceremony is a reenactment of the changing of guards based on the duty roster of the officials belonging to the Sujeongcheong during the Joseon Dynasty. This event takes place at Gyeongbokgung, Deoksugung, and Changdeokgung Palaces in Seoul. Taking inspiration from this, various locations across the country, such as Gyeonggijeon Hall in Jeonju Hanok Village, Nakan ...

In the central area of Seoul, including Gwanghwamun Square and City Hall, you can visit the palaces of the Joseon Dynasty, which span 500 years. The five major palaces of the Joseon Dynasty, referred to as the ‘Five Grand Palaces,’ are Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung, and Deoksugung. Usually, when visiting the palaces, separate admission fees are required. The individual admission ...

Changgyeonggung Palace is one of the five major palaces of the Joseon Dynasty located in Seoul. The five major palaces of the Joseon Dynasty are Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, Changgyeonggung Palace, Deoksugung Palace, and Gyeonghuigung Palace. While other palaces were built for the purpose of conducting state affairs, Changgyeonggung Palace differs in its founding purpose. “Palace Built to Honor the ...

Among the five palaces of the Joseon Dynasty that can be found in the center of Seoul, there are “Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, Changgyeonggung Palace, Gyeonghuigung Palace, and Deoksugung Palace.” Out of the five palaces of the Joseon Dynasty, only Changdeokgung Palace has been designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. It received this designation in 1997, with the ...

In Seoul, you can find five palaces from the Joseon Dynasty. The five major palaces of the Joseon Dynasty are Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung, and Deoksugung. In the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty, Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung were primarily at the center. In contrast, Deoksugung was a palace that did not receive much attention during the Joseon Dynasty era. However, ...