OWL Magazine Korea

The Japanese game company Koei has been creating a series of games based on the Chinese historical novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.” They first introduced “Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1” to the world in 1985 and have continued releasing the series, with the latest being “Romance of the Three Kingdoms 14.” The game series has evolved and undergone ...

The animated film “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” produced by Sony in 2018, received widespread acclaim for its innovative planning and concepts. Notably, even viewers unfamiliar with the previous Spider-Man series found it easy to comprehend the story. The film not only provided a high level of completeness and coherence but also struck a well-balanced tone, avoiding excessive weightiness or frivolity, ...

Slam Dunk, the legendary manga that captured a significant fan base during its initial run, continues to maintain its popularity. Recently, it even saw the release of a new theatrical version, garnering considerable attention from devoted Slam Dunk fans. Although it’s been quite some time since I watched the Slam Dunk movie, the track “Until the End of the World ...