OWL Magazine Korea

Goban Sikdang is a franchise restaurant specializing in meat dishes. It can be found not only in Seoul but also throughout the country. You can also find Goban Sikdang in Haeundae, one of Busan’s representative travel destinations. Goban Sikdang Haeundae Branch is located in the main shopping area of Haeundae. It’s not far from the subway station, easily reachable from ...

The Gwanghwamun area is a representative office-dense district in Seoul, where you can find restaurants catering to office workers’ lunch needs. Among the restaurants in the Gwanghwamun area, there are those with very simple names, and “Gwanghwamun Meat House” is a prime example. “Gwanghwamun’s Meat House, Gwanghwamun Meat House” As the name suggests, Gwanghwamun Meat House is a restaurant specializing ...