Odaiba in Tokyo offers a plethora of attractions, with one standout being the life-size Gundam located behind the “DiverCity” building. A must-visit spot in Odaiba, especially for Gundam enthusiasts, is the store on the 10th floor of the “DiverCity” building that sells Gundam-related products, known as “Gundam Base.” Finding Gundam Base on the 10th Floor of DiverCity: Gundam Base is ...
In the bustling district of Odaiba, Tokyo, where attractions abound, one captivating spectacle for tourists is the life-size Gundam. Reflecting Japan’s anime culture, Gundam is among the diverse characters brought to life. While life-size Gundam installations can be found in various Japanese locations, including Yokohama with its slightly moving Gundam, Odaiba has been home to Gundam for quite some time, ...
Gundam Base is a directly operated model shop run by the Japanese company “Bandai Spirits.” It is a store that sells Gundam plastic models and related assembly products. In Japan, you can find Gundam Base in places like Akihabara and Odaiba in Tokyo, and you can also find it in South Korea. “COEX Plastic Model Shop: Gundam Base” In South ...
Yongsan, once known for its electronics market, also had a reputation for unfriendly service. However, Yongsan is gradually transforming into a space for adult hobbies. “Yongsan Transforming into an Adult Hobby Space” This transformation bears resemblance to Tokyo’s Akihabara district. Akihabara, which also started as a fruit and vegetable market, later evolved into an electronics market, and now is famous ...
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