OWL Magazine Korea

Lee Ji-seong & Jeong Hoe-il’s “Hong Dae-ri Becomes a Reading Genius”

The “OO Genius Hong Dae-ri” series was once a trend. Among them, the work “Hong Dae-ri Becomes a Reading Genius” is a book that was published alongside Lee Ji-seong’s book “Lead Through Reading,” which gained popularity.

As the title suggests, the novel depicts the story of Hong Dae-ri, who gradually grows as he encounters books.

“Hong Dae-ri Becomes a Reading Genius”

The book takes the form of a novel, portraying the process of Hong Dae-ri learning about reading methods and evolving through reading.

The protagonist, Hong Dae-ri, is someone facing the risk of being laid off at work. Although a friend has been recommending books to him for three years, he has been ignoring the advice. However, when he finds himself at a dead end, he recalls his friend’s advice to read books and decides to give it a try.

His friend introduces him to a reading mentor, and through the mentor, Hong Dae-ri learns about the process of reading and completes various missions, gradually growing along the way.

“Introduction to Reading: Read 2 Interesting Books”

The book recommends reading two books of personal interest as an introduction to reading.

“Read 33 Books in 100 Days”

After reading two books, the next step is to read 33 books in 100 days. The reason for this recommendation is to establish a “reading habit.”

This advice applies not only to reading but also to everything else. Just as it is important for someone who didn’t exercise to establish an exercise habit when starting to exercise, it is important for someone who didn’t study to establish a study habit. Similarly, for someone who didn’t read, it is necessary to cultivate a reading habit. Writing a reading diary is recommended as a supplementary tool to cultivate this habit.

“Overcoming Slumps”

It is said that slumps always occur during this process. Three methods are recommended for overcoming slumps:

  1. Meeting a reading mentor
  2. Meeting reading companions
  3. Visiting a library

“Read 100 Books in Your Field of Work for a Year”

Once the reading habit is established, it is time for further growth through reading. The book recommends reading 100 books in your field of work for a year. The specific plan is to purchase and read 100 books related to your field of work each month.

By reading more than 100 books in one field, one can naturally become an expert in that field. Even someone majoring in a field at university would not read about 100 books, especially at the undergraduate or master’s level.

On the one hand, reading more than 365 books a year may be overwhelming. However, what’s important is reading books properly. Of course, the quantity is important, but focusing too much on quantity may lead to neglecting the quality.

Nevertheless, one thing is clear: reading many books can be very helpful. Especially, reading books related to one’s work can be very helpful.

“Hong Dae-ri’s Reading Mentor”

After going through all the steps, Hong Dae-ri now has the opportunity to meet the mentor of his reading mentor. The mentor of the mentor assigns him another mission:

  • “Interview 10 CEOs for 100 Days”

This mission requires more research and reading to interview one person.

“Ultimately, Read Over 365 Books in a Year”

The author ultimately conveys the message that one should read over 365 books a year. This is called “reading that changes the way the brain thinks.”

The book was interesting to read. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, there was a popular book introducing methods for studying English, called “Don’t Study English” by Dr. Jeong Chan-yong. The book sequentially introduced study methods through a character named “K,” which seemed quite similar to the structure presented in this book.

If one properly reads over 100 books in a specialized field, they can naturally be called an expert in that field. Even someone majoring in a field at university would not read about 100 books, especially at the undergraduate or master’s level.

On the other hand, reading over 365 books a year may be overwhelming. However, what’s important is reading books properly. Of course, the quantity is important, but focusing too much on quantity may lead to neglecting the quality.

Nevertheless, one thing is clear: reading many books can be very helpful. Especially, reading books related to one’s work can be very helpful.

“Hong Dae-ri Becomes a Reading Genius”

  • Authors: Lee Ji-seong, Jeong Hoe-il
  • Publication Date: August 29, 2011
  • ISBN13: 9788963706320
  • Yes24: http://app.ac/KqpntH213