OWL Magazine Korea

“Henry David Thoreau and Others’ ‘From Thoreau to Rambaud, Sentences on the Road'”

It seems that more diverse thoughts come to mind when moving the body rather than staying still. Of course, the opposite might be true when engaging in intense physical activity, but while walking at a moderate pace, one can experience a variety of thoughts.

Even globally renowned authors may have similar experiences. The book titled “From Thoreau to Rambaud, Sentences on the Road” is a collection of essays and poems written by authors on the theme of “walking.”

“A Compilation of Writings by Various Authors”

This book can be considered a collection of writings by various authors on the theme of “walking.” The list of authors featured in the book includes:

  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Christopher Morley
  • Hilaire Belloc
  • Arthur Rimbaud
  • Leslie Stephen
  • Walt Whitman
  • John Burroughs
  • George Gissing
  • Robert Louis Stevenson
  • William Hazlitt
  • Max Beerbohm
  • John Finley

Each of the 12 authors expresses their feelings about walking in various forms, especially their preferred forms of pedestrian travel. Some prefer forest paths, while others prefer walking on marble-paved roads. The book offers an enjoyable exploration of the individuality of each writer through their writings.

Of course, among the mentioned 12 authors, there is one who truly dislikes “walking.” Some brief essays include content about making excuses to avoid “taking a walk.”

“Henry David Thoreau, Celebrator of Nature”

The central figure in this book is arguably Henry David Thoreau. Known for his famous work “Walden,” he can be considered a representative naturalist. Therefore, the book naturally focuses on him.

In his seminal work “Walden,” Thoreau depicts his life living in “nature.” With over 500 pages in the Korean translation, the book is a collection of the author’s reflections on living near the pond named Walden. Through his book, Thoreau reflects on what he felt while living near Walden Pond.

“When Walking, Diverse Thoughts Arise”

While not true for everyone, it seems that the author, in particular, experiences a variety of thoughts while walking. Even while commuting on public transportation such as buses, one may experience a variety of thoughts.

Walking is excellent for contemplation, but it also leaves one feeling somewhat unsatisfied. This is because when trying to write down the thoughts one had while walking, they often don’t come to mind when sitting at a desk.

“A Book Containing Various Authors’ Thoughts on Walking”

It’s fascinating to learn about the thoughts on walking held by globally renowned authors. Discovering whether one’s own thoughts align with theirs or differ adds a unique dimension to the experience.

Of course, since the book mainly deals with walks in nature, it can sometimes feel monotonous. However, on the other hand, it also has the advantage of calming the mind.

Described as a book compiling essays inspired by thoughts on walking, “From Thoreau to Rambaud, Sentences on the Road” lives up to its title, collecting thoughts that arose on the road.

“From Thoreau to Rambaud, Sentences on the Road”

  • Authors: Henry David Thoreau, Christopher Morley, Hilaire Belloc, Arthur Rimbaud, Leslie Stephen, Walt Whitman, John Burroughs, George Gissing, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Hazlitt, Max Beerbohm, John Finley
  • Publication Date: July 24, 2013
  • ISBN: 9788956592091
  • Available at Kyobo Books: http://app.ac/SAC9lM513