OWL Magazine Korea

Gasan Digital Complex: Affordable Cafe ‘Coffee 101 Street’

The area around Gasan Digital Complex is one of Seoul’s prominent office-dense districts. It’s filled with high-rise buildings designed for office spaces, housing various companies.

Thanks to this, you can find numerous office workers in the vicinity. During lunch hours, it’s common to see many of them visiting nearby restaurants for their meals.

Since this area attracts a large number of office workers, you can easily find restaurants and cafes nearby. Particularly, places that offer affordable yet decently-priced food are abundant.

“Coffee 101 Street: Great Value Cafe”

“Coffee 101 Street” is also one of the cafes known for its great value. It’s located in a building called “Woorim Lions,” which can be accessed through a passage connected to Gasan Digital Station on the subway.

If you’re taking the subway, head towards Line 7 from Line 1, and you’ll find an entrance to the “Woorim Lions” building. Take the escalator up to the 2nd floor, and you’ll find the cafe right in front of the escalator.

“A Great Place to Spend Some Time”

It provides a comfortable atmosphere to enjoy a cup of coffee and pass some time. Being inside a building, it’s a convenient spot to step out of the office for a moment, relax, and have a cup of coffee, either to refresh during work or to unwind after work hours. (Of course, if you’re heading home, it’s probably best to leave the vicinity of the office quickly…)

The coffee prices are also quite affordable, selling a cup for around 3,000 KRW. Especially, if you use the trendy “Pass Order” application to place your order, you can enjoy even lower prices.

It’s a great place to spend some time in a cafe with affordable prices that you can find near the office. However, it may feel a bit small-scale, which could be a slight drawback if you’re looking to hold business meetings. Being an open concept cafe, it’s a good place to visit alone or with a friend to take a break.

“Gasan Digital Complex, Coffee 101 Street”