OWL Magazine Korea

“Delicious Psychology: Tasty Psychology Recipes for Everyday Life”

The book “Delicious Psychology,” as you can feel from the title, primarily focuses on light psychology that operates in everyday life rather than delving into profound discussions about psychology.

It contains content that can be already known to us or things we might not have been aware of, but generally, it revolves around common sense concepts.

Based on psychology, the book delves into topics applicable to our lives such as why we seek a sense of belonging, how to be more effective in persuading others, etc. Since it’s written in comparison to our daily lives, the subject matter isn’t overly heavy, and it’s advantageous for easy reading.

Of course, for those who want to delve deeply into psychology, this book may not be recommended. However, for those who are interested in lightly exploring the topic of psychology, it can be recommended.

The book introduces various psychological aspects encountered in daily life. It neatly summarizes the key points in the subtitles, making it easy to grasp the core content just by looking at the subtitles of each chapter.

Moreover, if you want to know more about each case, examining the chapters and looking into those sections would be helpful. Below are the titles of each chapter along with their subtitles:

  1. The Path of the Mind Living in the World
    1. Psychological Implication: Messages through language, behavior, expression, symbols, etc., can change others’ attitudes or behaviors.
    2. Systematic Memory: Organizing knowledge systematically helps in retaining it longer.
    3. Coordination Effect of Sensory Organs: Utilizing multiple sensory organs can enhance comprehension and memory.
    4. Law of Selective Memory: Pleasant or interesting events are better remembered.
    5. Role Performance Effect: Directly explaining a perspective leads to faster understanding.
    6. Contrast Effect: Comparing objects helps distinguish similarities and differences for more effective memory.
    7. Gestalt Law: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    8. Functional Fixation Psychology: People tend to focus only on the main functions of objects.
    9. Illusion of Control: People believe they can control even random events with their abilities.
    10. Law of Idea Maturation: Taking breaks or doing other tasks before solving difficult problems leads to better solutions.
  2. Knowing Myself to Win Others
    1. Law of Needs Increase (Maslow): When one need is fulfilled, a greater need arises.
    2. Law of Choice: Having many options isn’t always beneficial.
    3. Role Fixation Psychology: It’s difficult to change attitudes when one becomes accustomed to a position or develops fixed ideas about objects.
    4. Tension Theory: Optimal results come from moderate psychological tension.
    5. Weber’s Law: After experiencing a strong stimulus initially, a relatively weaker stimulus is better tolerated.
    6. Self-justification Psychology: Personal flaws or mistakes are often not easily recognized.
    7. Thick Skin Theory: Without receiving respect from others, embarrassment gradually fades away.
    8. Diderot Effect: Owning one item often leads to a tendency to acquire other items.
    9. Sunk Cost Effect: People tend to cling to irrecoverable costs already invested.
    10. Role Assimilation Effect: Directly performing a role leads to psychological alignment with that role.
    11. Veblen Effect: The higher the price of a product, the better it sells.
    12. Expected Value Theory: Engaging in tasks considered worthless results in poor performance.
    13. Clock Theory: Having two principles when working creates confusion.
    14. Last Minute Effect: Most people work intensively as deadlines approach.
  3. Mechanisms of the Human Mind Everyone Should Know
    1. Rebellion Psychology: People sometimes adopt attitudes or words contrary to others’ opinions to protect their self-esteem.
    2. Limit Effect: Prolonged exposure to strong stimuli leads to avoidance or rebellion.
    3. Sour Grape Complex & Sweet Lemon Complex: Perceiving what one hasn’t obtained as bad and what one has obtained as good.
    4. Reward Psychology: When unable to obtain what is desired, one can substitute or compensate with something else.
    5. Law of Emotional Cycles: Emotions also follow cycles.
    6. Hawthorne Effect: Expressing emotions can improve mental health and work efficiency.
    7. Adrenaline Syndrome: Comfort often follows intense stimulation.
    8. Hercules Effect: Revenge begets more revenge, leading to an endless cycle.
    9. Law of Suicide: The greater the threat to survival, the lower the likelihood of suicide.
    10. Relationship between Mood and Health: Better mood correlates with better health.
    11. Relationship between Mood and Fatigue: Fatigue is primarily caused by psychological factors.
    12. Relationship between Biological Ecology and Emotion: Rest and diet can also affect emotions.
    13. Relationship between Behavior and Mood: Changing one’s physical state can change one’s mood.
    14. Relationship between Weather and Mood: Mood varies with the weather.
    15. Relationship between Color and Mood: Psychology changes according to color.
    16. Relationship between Music and Mood: Mood varies with different types of music; classical music stabilizes while rock music agitates.
  4. All Human Relationships Are a Continuation of Psychological Warfare
    1. Appearance Determines First Impression.
    2. Self-disclosure: Sharing thoughts and feelings can win the favor of others.
    3. Principle of Similarity: People are attracted to those who are similar to them.
    4. Principle of Complementarity: People are attracted to those who possess qualities they lack.
    5. Affection Exchange: People prefer those who like them.
    6. Self-Positioning Effect: Creating an impression of being on the same side leads to smoother interactions.
    7. Error Effect: Imperfect individuals are often more likable than perfect ones.
    8. Law of Encounter Frequency: The more encounters, the stronger the bond.
    9. Reciprocity Psychology: When receiving help or kindness, people tend to reciprocate.
    10. Distance Regulation Psychology: Excessive kindness can distance relationships.
    11. Relationship between Mood and Precedence: When in a good mood, people help others more.
    12. Body Language Effect: Sometimes, body language conveys more information than words.
    13. Posture Reflection Effect: Conversing with close individuals leads to mirroring of postures and gestures.
    14. Principle of Criticism Before Praise: Criticizing first and then praising makes it easier to garner favor.
    15. Investment Psychology: People often speculate about others based on their own interests.
    16. Blitz Effect: Rapid requests lead to easy compliance.
    17. Foot-in-the-Door Effect: Granting a small favor makes it harder to refuse a larger one.
    18. Either/Or Effect: Asking “this or that” makes negotiation easier.
    19. Concession Effect: Small concessions increase the likelihood of negotiation success.
    20. Home Ground Effect: Negotiating or competing on home ground is advantageous.
    21. Promotion of Advantages and Disadvantages: Mentioning both strengths and weaknesses in promotions can be advantageous.
    22. Law of Emotion and Reason: Appealing to emotions short-term and reason long-term is beneficial.
  5. Read the Mass Psychology that Moves the World
    1. Competitive Priority Psychology: Humans instinctively pursue competition over cooperation.
    2. Mimicry Psychology: People have a tendency to mimic those better than themselves.
    3. Conformity Psychology: A tendency to act in line with the majority.
    4. Authority Effect: People are more likely to believe and follow the words of authoritative figures.
    5. Social Role Norms: People must fulfill their social roles according to societal norms.
    6. Social Role Transition: People should be able to transition between social roles appropriately.
    7. Social Facilitation and Inhibition: Simple tasks are performed better when observed, while complex tasks are performed worse.
    8. Law of Power Ambition Increase: Human ambition for power knows no bounds.
    9. Information Distortion Phenomenon: Information can distort significantly during transmission.
    10. Polarization Phenomenon: Group discussions often lead to more extreme opinions.
    11. Social Contagion: Witnessing moving scenes can lead to loss of control over emotions and actions.
    12. Ulysses Law: When responsibility is unclear, individuals within a group do not always do their best.
    13. Broken Windows Theory: Ignoring small issues leads to bigger problems.
    14. Trend Compliance Psychology: It’s important to follow trends moderately to avoid being ostracized.
    15. Mate Effect: Society tends to be more generous to those who already have, and less generous to those who don’t.

The book introduces a plethora of cases, some of which contain well-known common knowledge, while others present new information.

Through this opportunity, I was able to revisit familiar content through the names of the laws and also learn new information that I wasn’t previously aware of.

While psychology may seem daunting at first, this book is filled with content that can be helpful in daily life.

“Delicious Psychology: Recipes for Life Delicious Psychology”