OWL Magazine Korea

April Coffee – A Quiet Cafe Near Hongik University

The area in front of Hongik University in Seoul has become one of the representative bustling districts in the city. In the past, it was known for its unique small shops operated by young artists, creating a distinctive atmosphere. With the easy accessibility from Yongsan, where there used to be a US military base, “club culture” thrived, making the area renowned for its clubs.

Now, it has undeniably become one of Seoul’s foremost vibrant districts, with the commercial area expanding further. Starting from the streets in front of Hongik University, the commercial area has extended northward to Yeonnam-dong, westward to Hapjeong-dong, and southward to Sangsu-dong.

“A Quiet Cafe Near Hongik University, April Coffee”

In the Hongik University area, you can find various restaurants, cafes, unique accessory shops, and clubs. Especially due to the explosive influx of young people, cafes are abundant, and you can easily find unique ones in the Yeonnam-dong, Sangsu-dong, and Hapjeong-dong areas.

This time, I visited a cafe slightly away from the central area of Hongik University. April Coffee is located about two blocks away from Hongik University Station on Subway Line 2.

Being a bit away from the center and situated on a side street, it exudes a relatively tranquil atmosphere. Particularly, at the time of my visit on a Friday afternoon, it felt even more serene, perhaps because the lively Friday night had yet to begin.

“Subtle Lighting and Interior”

The overall atmosphere of the store is created with subdued lighting, which is not overly bright. This creates a comfortable and serene environment, where you can spend your time without feeling overwhelmed.

The store is not overly spacious nor cramped, providing space for around 20 people to stay at once. When the weather is nice, they also offer outdoor seating, allowing you to spend time outside.

“A Great Place for Quiet Work Alone”

Thanks to the unintrusive lighting and interior, it’s a great place for solo work with a laptop or similar equipment. It’s also suitable for catching up with nearby friends.

The cafe offers a variety of beverages including coffee, tea, and more, with prices that are reasonable. An Americano, the benchmark for warm coffee, is priced at KRW 3,500 per cup, and for iced, it’s KRW 4,000. These are fairly reasonable prices, not significantly different from franchise cafes like Starbucks.

“Coffee Served in Beaker-like Cups”

On this day, I ordered two cafe lattes. What was distinctive was that the beverages were served not in the typical coffee cups, but rather in beaker-like cups that one might expect to find in a laboratory.

Even for the same beverage, depending on the type of cup it’s served in, the atmosphere can change completely. I couldn’t help but applaud this level of creativity.

Overall, it’s a cafe near Hongik University that offers a relatively tranquil atmosphere. It’s a great place to bring your laptop and work alone, or spend time with nearby friends.

“Hongik University Cafe: April Coffee”

  • Address: 25 World Cup Buk-ro 4-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03992, South Korea
  • Phone: 02-338-0680