OWL Magazine Korea

Ansan Gojan Station Abalone Trio Grill Restaurant ‘Geumhwa Jeonbok’

In the vicinity of Gojan Station in Ansan, you can find a variety of restaurants. While Gojan Station area is primarily a residential area, it also has a commercial district, allowing you to discover unique and distinctive eateries throughout.

“Ansan Gojan District Abalone Cuisine Specialist, Geumhwa Jeonbok”

As the name suggests, Geumhwa Jeonbok specializes in dishes featuring “abalone.” However, it’s not just limited to abalone, as they also offer a variety of other abalone-based dishes.

“A Combination of Abalone, Conch, and Beef Brisket: Abalone Trio Grill”

Here, you can experience a combination not commonly seen – the ‘Abalone Trio Grill,’ which consists of “conch, abalone, and beef brisket.” These three ingredients are grilled together, creating a dish known as the Abalone Trio Grill.

While beef brisket alone makes for a delicious meal, adding conch and abalone takes it to another level, truly embodying the essence of a “trio.” Moreover, when complemented with mushrooms, garlic, and vegetables, the grilled dish becomes even more flavorful.

“A Variety of Abalone Dishes: Abalone Sashimi, Abalone Porridge, and More”

As a “specialist in abalone cuisine,” they offer a diverse range of abalone dishes. In addition to abalone porridge, you can savor abalone sashimi, abalone soft tofu stew, and various other abalone-related dishes. This makes it an excellent place to rejuvenate your body with abalone, especially on days when you feel a bit worn out.

The restaurant space is relatively spacious, resembling a type of barbecue restaurant. However, it maintains a clean and tasteful interior design. Thanks to this, it’s a great place to dine with friends and enjoy a meal.

“Ansan Abalone Cuisine Specialist, Geumhwa Jeonbok”

  • Address: 16 Darigan 1-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15459, South Korea
  • Phone: 031-401-9825
  • Operating Hours: 11:30 AM – 10:30 PM