OWL Magazine Korea

“From Red to Green: Ecological Literature Critique” by Kim Wook-dong is a book that falls under the category of “ecological literature critique.” The reason for encountering this book was quite straightforward. It was because I took Professor Kim Won-joong’s class titled “Understanding Ecological Literature” in the last semester before graduating in my fourth year. The reason for encountering this book ...

Lee Ji-sung was a writer who gained significant popularity in the early 2010s. With his book “Lead with Reading,” published in 2010, he sparked a “Classics Reading Craze” in Korean society. Riding on the popularity of the book, his previously published work “Dreaming in the Attic” also gained attention and elevated him to the ranks of bestselling authors. In addition ...

In China, you can find temples dedicated to the worship of gods associated with war and literature. These figures, revered as gods of war and literature, are well-known in Korea as well. The god of war, Guan Yu, is a prominent figure from the historical novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” while Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, is a highly ...