OWL Magazine Korea

The history board game “Scholars with Swords,” set against the backdrop of the Imjin War, is a game created by Park Sang-jun, operated by the “Play History Classroom.” Based on the Japanese invasion of Korea during the Imjin War of the Joseon Dynasty, this board game has a feel similar to a kind of war simulation. “The Internal and External ...

Jingbirok (懲毖錄) is a book written by Ryu Sung-ryong during the Joseon Dynasty, when the author retired from office and wrote it, completing it in 1604 (the 37th year of King Seonjo’s reign). It was designated as National Treasure No. 132 of South Korea on November 12, 1969. The term ‘Jingbi’ is derived from a phrase in the ‘Shijing (詩經)’ ...