OWL Magazine Korea

In the 1980s, the New York subway was a lawless place plagued by constant incidents. Annually, there were around 15,000 serious crimes, and fare evasion reached 250,000 instances daily. However, by 1988, serious crimes in the subway had decreased by a staggering 75%. How was this dramatic change possible? “The Decline in Crime in the New York Subway” In the ...

In 1971, Professor Philip Zimbardo conducted a prison experiment at Stanford University, which demonstrated how ordinary people could become cruel under certain circumstances. This experiment is commonly known as the “Stanford Prison Experiment” or the “Lucifer Effect.” The Stanford Prison Experiment The experiment involved creating a mock prison. Volunteers were randomly assigned to act as either “guards” or “prisoners,” and ...

As social beings, humans naturally live in groups among many others. Each individual’s personality traits vary, and there are numerous theories to categorize and explain these differences. Recently, the “MBTI” has gained popularity, but many other theories exist. “The ‘E on the Forehead’ Experiment Conducted in Japan” In Japan, there is significant interest in categorizing and understanding people’s personalities. Professor ...

In the early morning hours of Friday, March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese, then 28 years old, was attacked by an assailant in front of her apartment in Kew Gardens, Queens, New York. Despite her screams for help, she received no direct assistance and ultimately died. It was reported that 38 people witnessed the incident from their apartment windows, but not ...

In the past, Adachi Ward, located on the outskirts of Tokyo, was a rundown area where incidents of trespassing, robbery, and theft frequently occurred. As crime became rampant, the local residents even formed patrol squads to monitor the area. However, since 2007, the crime rate miraculously dropped to 0%. “Adachi Ward in Tokyo Replaces Streetlights with Blue Ones” Just before ...

In South Korea, the program titled “The Two Faces of Humanity,” aired by “EBS” in the past, conducted various psychological experiments and presented their results. Among these experiments was one focusing on how a person’s clothing influences others’ perceptions. While individual differences exist, it can be said that in most cases, clothing has a significant impact. “EBS” conducted an experiment ...