OWL Magazine Korea

When working with a hammer to drive nails or using a screwdriver, small parts like nails or screws often tend to fall off easily. Due to their small size, they can become cumbersome during work. To address this inconvenience, there is a device available—the “magnetic bracelet.” “A Bracelet for Attaching Small Accessories Like Screws to Your Arm” This product is ...

When painting, it’s common to carry a roller and a paint bucket separately and apply paint to the roller from the bucket during the job. However, there is a clever product that addresses this inconvenience. Introducing the “Injection Paint Roller,” a product that ingeniously attaches a paint bucket to the paint roller. In this product, the rod of the paint ...

When it comes to interior design or arranging furniture, accurate length measurement is crucial. In such cases, you might typically think of using a “ruler.” Even rulers are evolving these days. Introducing the “Measure King,” a multifunctional ruler that incorporates three different modes for length measurement: These three modes assist in measuring length in various ways. “A product that accurately ...